To order


1. When you place an order, we ask if you want to create an account. This is not mandatory, but it is very useful for future orders. That way you don't always have to enter your details completely.

2. Select the desired payment method. Below you can see which are available.

3. Before you can complete your order, we ask you to agree with our terms and conditions. Check this, check the entered data and press 'Order' to place the order.

4. After this you will be redirected to the secure payment environment of Mollie, our Payment Partner. Follow the steps indicated there to complete the order.

5. When the payment process has been completed, you will be automatically sent back to our website. The status of your payment will be displayed here. Once the payment process has been successfully completed, you will receive an order confirmation with information about your order by email.


Once the order has been placed, it can no longer be viewed, changed or canceled online. For a change or cancellation, contact our customer service via




You can pay with us via:




Bancontact / Mister Cash